The World Tennis Number (WTN) is a universal tennis rating system that provides a clear understanding of a player’s skill level. It’s a valuable tool for players, parents, and coaches alike. One common question is whether Green Ball play contributes to a...
The World Tennis Number (WTN) is a valuable tool in the tennis world, providing a clear understanding of a player’s skill level. However, its use in seeding and selection for events can vary. The method of seeding and selection for events, and how the WTN may be...
At Match Tennis App, we often get asked what the difference is between the UTR and WTN rating systems. Which ratings are more accurate? Which is better? We are pleased to present a timely practitioner-academic research collaboration out of Duke University that...
The World’s Newest Tennis Player Rating System The World Tennis Number (WTN) is the most recent tennis player rating system to be adopted by over 135 nations, including the USTA. The WTN was created by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the largest...