The World Tennis Number (WTN) is a universal tennis rating system that provides a clear understanding of a player’s skill level. It’s a valuable tool for players, parents, and coaches alike. One common question is whether Green Ball play contributes to a player’s WTN.

  • Green Ball and Yellow Ball results do contribute to a player’s WTN. However, this is under the condition that all players participating in the match are at least 9 years old.
  • There’s an exception for younger players. Those who are 7 and 8 years old and have progressed from Orange Ball to Green Ball play can also have a WTN rating. Their Green Ball match results will start contributing to their WTN once they’ve played a Green Ball match.

This system ensures that junior players of all skill levels can track their progress and see how their performance in matches contributes to their overall tennis rating. It’s a great way for young players to see their improvement over time and set goals for their future tennis journey.

To view more detailed information, click the following source link: WTN Information for Junior Players

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